Learn about the experiences of those who have worked with our expert team.

"Contactamos a MILA PR porque queríamos aprovechar nuestra participación en el evento Personas, Naturaleza y Vida para anunciar la próxima apertura de nuestras oficinas en Colombia, y generar visibilidad del impacto positivo que generamos en América Latina. En tiempo récord crearon el plan de trabajo, difundieron la noticia ante los medios de comunicación nacionales, y gestionaron entrevistas con nuestros voceros, logrando excelentes resultados que superaron nuestras expectativas”,

Fundación Rockefeller


Generar cobertura mediática sobre la próxima apertura de las oficinas de la Fundación Rockefeller en Colombia.


  • Reunión de inmersión.
  • Creación de la lista de medios target.
  • Edición, traducción, y adaptación de materiales de comunicación: comunicado de prensa, Q&A, bio de los voceros y pitch.
  • Relacionamiento con medios y gestión de entrevistas.


  • Gestionamos entrevistas con el Presidente de la Fundación y otros voceros, y logramos publicaciones en medios nacionales Tier1 como El Tiempo, Caracol Noticias, Blu Radio, Caracol TV, Cambio, Caracol radio, Caracol TV y El Espectador.
  • La campaña alcanzó un valor publicitario de $ y alcanzo una audiencia de 18.536.397 personas.

"Working with MILA PR was too professional, too cool. It was the first time I worked with an agency specialized in communications. Until now, I had never had the opportunity to have interviews, or media publications, to have a strategy and a structure for the launch of a product. The truth is, it was not only a very enriching experience in business terms, but also in personal terms; it resulted in a lot of growth and beyond sporadic hiring. I take from this experience a great friendship with the people of the MILA PR team. I recommend them 100%,"

Luisa Postres

Luisa Lafaurie, Fundadora de Luisa Postres.


Generate visibility and recognition of LUISA POSTRES “carrot tres leches” to position it as the star Christmas dessert in Colombia, as well as to contribute to a social cause with purpose.


During the “La Navidad Sabe a Tres Leches” campaign, it was determined to donate 10% of the profits generated by the product in December 2022 to cheer up and contribute both to the empowerment and development of the girls of the “Casa de Sueños de La Casa de La Madre y el Niño of the ICBF”, as well as to generate media coverage in Colombia.

  • Generation of earned press and influencer marketing strategies.
  • Management of strategic alliances with Casa de Sueños, brands, celebrities and leaders of various economic sectors. 
  • Production of news content and construction of the press kit.
  • Selection of media and influencers. 
  • Relationship with the media to disseminate the material and constant follow-up.
  • Interview management. 
  • Relationship with influencers, management of shipments / logistical support, follow-up and constant monitoring.
  • Construction of a report of publications in the media and of the influencer marketing management results report.


As a result of the implementation, which lasted one month, 13 articles were published in national media, including digital, print and radio media; as well as the participation of 23 influencers between macro, medium, micro and brand ambassadors, achieving a pro average reach of 4.6M, in addition to the social media following of the Instagram account increased by 1,067 followers.

“Contar con una organización cómo MILA PR ha hecho la diferencia a la hora de comunicarnos con nuestro público objetivo, abrirnos paso en el mercado, y posicionarnos como el mejor aliado para administrar arrendamientos y como referentes en la materia; todo a través de una estrategia de redes sociales supremamente efectiva”,


Juan Pablo Rodríguez, CMO y Fundador Rentio.


Posicionar a Rentio como el mejor aliado de las inmobiliarias a la hora de gestionar financieramente sus arrendamientos.


  • Inmersión.
  • Creación de la propuesta de comunicación digital,  identificación de buyer personas y generación del plan de pauta digital. 
  • Construccion mensual de parrillas de contenido, diseño de piezas gráficas y postproducción audiovisual.
  • Administración de redes sociales.
  • Construcción de reportes y redireccionamiento estratégico cuando fuese necesario.


  • Crecimiento de la comunidad digital: El número de seguidores pasó de 3 a 57 en Facebook, y de 81 a 242 en Instagram.
  • El alcance aumento de 700 a 1.835 en Facebook y de 971 a 2.875 en Instagram.
  • Antes de implementar la estrategia la cuenta contaba con un promedio de 12 interacciones en Facebook y 0 en Instagram, gracias a la implementación de la estrategia pasó a tener 689 y 2.400, respectivamente.
  • Aunque los leads no se establecieron como KPI, se llegó a tener un promedio de 20 mensuales.

"Having an organization like MILA PR has made all the difference in communicating with today's patients and making our way in the marketplace,"

Dental Aesthetic Group

Pablo Sanabria, Medico Propietario.


Digital communication strategy design.


  • Market research and identification of personas.
  • Development of digital advertising plan. 
  • The search engine positioning and content optimization. 
  • Media plan, strategy and influencer management.


  • Increased engagement rate.
  • Digital community growth.
  • Increased the number of scheduled appointments.

"Thanks to the scientific methodology and the commitment of such commendable professionals, the results positively impacted the entire institution,"

Universidad Boyacá

Juan Pablo Medina, Jefe Oficina de Comunicaciones y Mercadeo.


Determine the effectiveness of communications at the University of Boyacá, both internally and externally. Also, establish best practices and approaches to enhance communication practices for accomplishing the University’s goals and properly delivering the right message to its stakeholders.


  • Kick-off meeting.
  • Creation and presentation of the diagnostic plan (research).
  • Implementation of the plan (three surveys, a focus group, industry analysis, analysis of communication tools, analysis of communication strategies and tactics implemented during the previous year, among others).
  • Construction of the diagnostic document.
  • Presentation of conclusions and recommendations.


We obtained a clear radiograph of the state of the institution’s communications. The investigation findings reconfirmed the beliefs of the board of directors with the due support and data, evidenced new and crucial needs, and demonstrated the need to implement specific changes in terms of resources, times, processes, structure, substance and form, serving as the relevant starting point to develop a communications plan that allows the University to achieve both its communicative and organizational goals.

"Working with MILA PR was an enriching experience, characterized by fluid teamwork and optimal time management. I worked with a young, proactive, flexible, dynamic and agile team with the advantage that its members are at the forefront and generate an input of current ideas. I was very happy with Natur's new logo and brand identity manual,"


Marcela Calderón, Fundadora de Natur.


  • Create a brand identity aligned with the identity of the brand that would allow it to be competitive and differentiate itself from its competitors, in addition to effectively reaching its real and potential customers through various communication channels. 

  • Assemble an e-commerce site aligned with the brand’s identity, that will show the products and differentials of Natur effectively, transmit the key messages of the brand in a clear, concise and persuasive way, with a high-quality interface, easy to use for the user and that will provide an easy and pleasant experience. “Smart listening: Immersion, benchmarking and analysis.


  • Redesign of the brand logo, creation of the visual identity manual. This manual gathers elements that constitute the brand image, establishing the rules and the parameters to correctly use the identifier when applied to different needs. In addition to establishing the rules of construction, typographies, chromatic ranges, and the correct implementation in the different communications pieces.
  • Writing texts for the web page.
  • Web development and design in line with the brand identity.


By having a clear identity, materialized both in a logo and a visual identity manual, the brand has achieved greater visibility and brand recall. 

This manual was a key input when developing and designing the brand’s e-commerce, which has been crucial in establishing contact with real and potential customers, as well as generating visibility, recognition and leads. 

Turn your brand into a success story


Conoce a nuestra fundadora

María Camila Arevalo Salazar

Some of our clients

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